Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 3, 2009

Entry for March 03, 2009

Bài dịch ngày 3/3/09

1, Whether costly or not, the Sonla hydroelectric power plant is considered as a plant that has the greatest power in Southeast Asia. Certainly, after it is put into operation, this plant will contribute an important electric output to the national network.
2, Our nation's history of contruction and defense has proved that whether strong or weak it is at times, our nation has never lacked heroes and heroines hence, we can firmly beleive that even at the most critical moments, our nation always gives birth to shining and outstanding leaders ready sacrifice private interests to save the nation and people.
3, Whether fast or slow, the sea border negociations between VN and China must be promoted as quicky possible to serve as a basis for cooperation and lasting peace in the region and in the world.
4, whether big or small, the welcome party on the occasion of the women's day for the girls in our class will be arranged because we always consider them as a half of the worl and part of our lives.
5, Whether happy or unhappy, our lives are so valuable so each one needs to know to keep our lives as happy as possible to help us each feel ourselves as helpful for life as possible.
6, whether successful or not, we will never be discouraged and will overcome any trouble to collect the best result after the weaning program. Hopefully, noone among us will be eliminated because of his or her ignorance and weakness.

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